Thursday, 27 June 2013

Anniversary dinner

As i am not feeling so well, and Mr. Teo is not feeling well too, we decided to have a simple home cooked dinner at home on this special day for us.

I fried some chicken (by using corn flour), two piece of fish with soy sauce with some fried garlic and mix vege with prawn and taufu. When Mr. Teo see the dishes served, he asked whether we are celebrating anyone's birthday? yes indeed. We had some cake after that. He bought three pieces of Secret Recipe cake and i already bought two pieces from the same place yesterday night already. I planned to give Mr. Teo a surprise by waking him up at 0000 but i was too tired and sleepy and i missed the time.

We are all very full now, but deep down i feel very happy.


五年前的今天,我跟张郎去签结婚证书。当下的心情很复杂,很犹豫,很担心,想很多很多以后的事。当时是张郎先签那证书的,他想都不想,就镇定果断了签了名。喂!结婚也!你都不再考虑考虑吗?不过 看着他那么的坚定签名(要娶我),我就没办法,想逃都逃不掉了。哈哈哈哈。 当晚,我家有二十桌宴席请女方的亲戚朋友,就当作通知大家我终于嫁出去了,因为华人传统婚礼和酒席会在一年多后举行。


对我来说婚姻证书只是 一张纸而已。并不是说你有了这张纸,就一定会长久,它不能带给你任何的承诺,就只是证明法律受承认的合法夫妻。要如何让你的婚姻美满,那就要靠两个人的磨合,协调,容忍,信任来维持的。我希望 我们会永远开心的在一起。

p/s 原来我有两位头号粉丝。哈哈哈哈哈。。。

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

I am the real chef for once....

Yesterday i cooked the main dish of the dinner for Mr. Teo because he came back home without informing me earlier. The whole situation was me and the kids were staying in the living room upstairs, and maid was cleaning the kitchen downstairs. All out of of sudden he walked up from stairs and i quickly jumped up from the couch then rush to the kitchen. I kept blaming him for not informing me in advanced like what he used to do. Maybe he want to give me a surprise? nah.....i just think too much....

As the ingredients were not all well prepared yet, i told the maid to do the cutting and washing while i do the cooking. Luckily the maid was clever enough to take the marinated chicken out from the fridge before i asked her to do so. So here it goes, i cooked the coca cola chicken with potato. I took about 20 minutes to cook this dish. Jill gave me this idea and i found it really easy.

Ta it is......coca cola chicken. seriously, this is the first time  i cooked and tasted it. I have heard of it but never try before. It turned out  not a bad one. Mr. Teo couldn't tell it is the magic of COKE. He thought i used some can sauce and he didn't say it tasted super nice. I will try Guinness Stout next time.

And so, this is the dinner served yesterday, Coke chicken, broccoli with fish ball,  and pumpkin soup with rice.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


昨天是我的生日,其实我并不是很开心,觉得老了,孩子长大了,一切太快了, 有点措手不及。生日当天凌晨十二点,我正开车回吉隆坡路上。 张郎睡着,迷糊中被手机吵醒了,原来是reminder。 对我说了生日快了后,继续睡。

早上他很迟去上班,应该是十二点左右 ,他没说,不过我知道他想陪我久一点。傍晚六点回到家,我们就 前往ikea出发。原本上星期五要去的,不过他做工回到家已经晚上了,所以来不及去。我向他建议先吃晚餐,再去ikea。这样比较健康,可以走走做运动。

在张郎出门做工前,他交代我要我想晚上的晚餐。不管什么节日,都是由我来决定吃什么和节目之类的。这一次我选了日本餐,因为我两个女儿都无饭不欢。那些西餐不用想,因为我的 孩子可能会破坏气氛,而间接也会让我从美丽妈妈变成疯婆子一个,所以还是不要冒险。我不想我疯婆的形象被别人偷拍放上网,然后就背着坏妈妈的称号行走江湖,哈哈哈。

我选了Damansara Perdana 的 Mikan Japanese Cuisine。 我们抵达时,里面只有一桌客人。我就说,不知道好不好吃。。惨了,做了错的决定。张郎说距离晚餐时间还早,就去试一试。

这是其中一道,cod fish,很好吃。我们多数点了虾类的。我觉得很不错。我会再来。不过张朗说还好而已,还真挑啊,还是我太随便?哈哈。。


小插曲 - 昨晚睡到早上,张朗去了厕所,我也朦胧醒了,因为尿急。 我就在门外站着等,眼睛张不是很开。张朗出来看到我,把我抱了一下,就那一下下,然后上床睡觉。我还来不及反应,不过很自然的也把他抱了一下。然后心里暖暖的,觉得好幸福哦。我们结婚六年了。间中吵吵闹闹都有,严重的,轻微的都有。我对婚姻不是很乐观,但打从心里希望能够天长地久。我希望我们能够携手走天涯,一起面对种种波折,一起解决难题。那些正面临婚姻难题的的 朋友,建议你看再见单人床,是一部连续剧。非常不错。 希望能够帮你挽救你的婚姻。

Thursday, 13 June 2013

I am not the chef

Recently i have done a lot of cooking (to be precise, not i cook). Yesterday i cooked seafood curry with Madam Lee's curry paste. The outcome is good but too bad the paste is too little. I will store more paste at home in the future.

My family has a more healthy lifestyle recently. As the medical report shows bad result on certain areas, Mr. Teo finally agreed to have breakfast before leaving for work everyday. But i will spare his weekends, else i think he will get bored very soon with such a plain but healthy meal. I hope we will maintain this healthy lifestyle as long as we can because money can never buy us health and our precious time.

Do you think your living and eating lifestyle is healthy? For me, happy and healthy is too good to be true.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


整整两个礼拜的学校假期过去了。过去了, 再也回不来了。现在只好期待八月的假期。到时我会很忙一下。其实假期的生活很没有规律。除了可以晚起身外,还可以自由自在的颓废,好不快活啊。这学校假 期,没有带孩子去游玩。唯一的活动就是在家,在店玩闹,完全没有补习或任何关于书的东西。孩子好享受这样放纵的生活,他们的老妈我何尝不是呢?

这个假期,爸妈去了南非游玩,他们说不想再去第二次了, 因为治安不是很好,所以整天提 心吊胆的。还好旅店和吃方面都安排的不错。就当潇洒走一回好了。而我家老大也去了一趟美国回来。好羡慕哦。。。所以这个假期一半的时间我就是窝在家里,哪都没去。不然我想我也会带我老妈到处趴趴走了,或去找我老哥也。

上星期六是大女儿的家长日。老师说女儿还是会处于dreaming状态,不过已经改善很多。还有老师强调说她很喜欢多做功课,让老师不解。哈哈哈。不要说老师,老妈子都不懂啦。。 难道她遗传了我?喜欢做功课?喜欢上课?拜托不要遗传到我的直,我做人太坦白,太直,太不婉转。


Monday, 3 June 2013

Batu Pahat Getaway!

For the last few days, i have been busy doing things: hair cut, facial and spending times with kids. I wanted to clear all my things before the weekends because i already have plans. Before that i was planning to abandon Mr. Teo and enjoy my ladies trip with my friend, and it was so happened that he was having his business trip. So it was really a perfect timing.

My friend J works in Kuala Lumpur and she is from Kuantan. We knew each other during college time and she actually wrote a story about our college life. We become even closer after graduation. Although we are from total different background, basically there is nothing similar between us, but we are both very close friend.

J reached Batu Pahat on Friday late night, we planned to go Johor Premium Outlet and Kukup on the next day. While i fetched J from bus station back home, she noticed a signboard that reminds her of a place, Tanjung Piai. She mentioned to me while we were discussing on our itinerary of Saturday, but seriously I never come across to this place before. I didn't even google it because i am quite confident the place is very far from either JPO or Kukup. After she pointed the signboard which has been long standing somewhere in Batu Pahat town which i NEVER noticed it as well, i know what is in her mind and i prepared to bring her there.

On Saturday, we set off at around 10am after having breakfast in Batu Pahat. We spent about two hours shopping in JPO and we continue our journey to Tanjung Piai which is very near to Kukup. It was a very HOT Saturday and seriously i didn't really enjoy the heat even i was in an air con car. I thought Tanjung Piai is kind of a beach, and we could just sit inside the car and drove around. I WAS SO WRONG!!!!!!!

When reached there, (we thought we reached), we get down from the car and walked towards a cafe on a bridge under the HOT SUN!!! It was a disaster when i knew the place was not where J wanted to go. After got the information from someone there, we drove further to explore the place J wanted to go. After we reach, it was not as bad as what i thought but it is just the SUN. After purchased RM5 entry ticket per person, we started our adventurous journey on our feet. It was a reserved jungle, with bridges that lead us to a few places. With a dress, a slipper, i was on wrong attire for this kind of outing. But seeing J was very excited after we finally found the place, i do not want to disappoint her. So i just followed to walk on the bridge to the destination that J was really interested to see - the globe of Tanjung Piai.

For your information, Tanjung Piai is is a cape in Johor which is the southernmost point of Penisular Malaysia and thus the most southern point of mainland Euroasia.From there, we are able to see the island of Singapore and Pulau Jawa. In fact, i received an SMS from Indonesia telecommunication company. 

While we finally reached the globe, it was another disaster to J because according to her, it was a real globe with maps on it, but the globe in front of us is just an empty globe with the word Tanjung Piai only. I wasn't really enjoy the "scene" because it was very super windy and i can hardly walk without using my hand holding tight on my dress. While worrying about my flying dress, J was busy taking photos around. After several shots, we then proceed to Kukup. J was hoping to go to Kelong to see puffer fish but we are too late for the sea transport to the kelong. After walking around, we had our seafood dinner there and then headed back home. We played wishes lantern bought from Kukup in front of my house. It ended our wonderful one day trip.

Seriously i enjoyed everything except the SUN, the heat and the sweat. Afterall, i was happy as J was satisfied with all the things she want to see and do. It is a life happiness to be able to travel with family and friends. I look forward for my next trip.