Monday, 29 July 2013

I am back in one piece from Bhutan

Taking off on 21 July 2013, 0700 Flight Singapore to Bhutan via Calcutta by Drukair.
Coming back on 27 July 2013, 0715 Flight Bhutan to Singapore via Calcutta by Drukair.

Ladies and gentleman, i am back from Bhutan safe and sound. The trip was fun, exciting, adventurous and unforgettable. This is the first time in my life doing so much climbing, walking, hiking and trekking and the road trip was on bumpy and bending road, not a very comfortable ride though. BUT the view was stunning, incredible beautiful. So it all worth the effort.

 This is a country covered with mountains. this was taken while on the way from Paro (airport) to Thimpu (capital of Bhutan)

5 star hotel for first two nights. Incredible deluxe room for honeymoon couple. hahahahahah ..nice view...

Bhutanese costume - Second night, we were asked to dress in their costume and they welcomed us with their local dance and ceromony. Western dinner served.

Typical Bhutanese meal. They have animals but they don't kill animals. Meat are mostly imported from neighbor country, India and Nepal.

Third day in Punaka (last time it was their capital, but then change it to Thimpu later on). It is located at 3 hours mountain road drive from Thimpu. This is their government office. It looked like palace to me.

This was taken when we were going to cross the suspension bridge.

 The most challenging hike - Tiger Nest. We ride the horse halfway and have to walked 702 steps to reach the monastery. Very challenging. This is my horse.

                  Half way before reach the Tiger Nest. It  took us a lot of effort to complete the hike.

                                 We are few steps away from this 300 years old monastery.

                                                 108  stupas (tomb) with buddha's ashes.

                                                           The giant buddha. Amitabha

                                     Fly by Drukair. Could not access with any other airline.

Friday, 19 July 2013


 明天中午,我会和张郎,张妹,和张舅会去不丹旅行一个礼拜。这个决定,是上礼拜才做的, 也很幸运的还有机位。上星期,张妹有向我提到 不丹之旅,可是她没得去。我也没把这件事放在心上,更没向张郎提到。

上星期五,正当我在忙着撮面团时,张朗在打来问我要去不丹吗? 原来是张舅约他的。我当下很开心,简直是难以置信,因为今年我们出国多次了,是最多次的一年。上半年就去了香港,之前我和朋友去Langkawi。现在要去不丹,再来八月我会去曼谷,而张朗有company trip 去香港。再来就是十月尾去中国。我从来都没想过张朗会要去不丹。真的没有想过。所以我连提都不想提,因为机会只有万分只一。毕竟今年真的花很多钱在旅行。



最后,大家一个礼拜不要想我 。一礼拜后见。

P/s 这是我上星期五写的,今天才贴上。现在还在不丹,还有两晚就回国了

Saturday, 13 July 2013


As the mee hun kueh that i cooked previously had overwhelming responses, i decided to do it again yesterday to serve my family. This week we came back one day earlier than usual as Mr. Teo having dinner to attend on Thursday night. So i am having one more day in hometown.

Initially i planned to cook in my parents house, but then after several discussion, we decided to do it at my sis's place. When i reached, two dough for mee instead of mee hun kueh are already made by the maid, i then make the dough for mee hun kueh. (the difference of mee and mee hun kueh is mee hun kueh's dough is only using flour and water with salt, whereas mee's dough will have addition of oil and egg).

I cooked the mee and mee hun kueh served for one person one by one instead of one big pot for everyone. I am glad that everyone enjoyed eating it. Mr. Teo never get tired of it, but i already felt boring by making and cooking it. So i didn't really eat a lot this time.

Good thing is my temper really improved a lot. I suppose it is because of the cooking that i involve. Less quarrel, less shouting, less sadness, i hope my life will be in that way or better in the future.

p/s there is something good going on next week (hopefully it will really come true) finger cross*

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


前几天,我家工人用了刚买的Asam Pedas酱料煮辣鱼。我试喝了那汤,觉得还不错,就决定再买几包酱料,煮给张郎吃。就昨天煮了辣鱼和炒青菜,张郎把全部都吃得精光,还加饭呢。可惜我忘了拍照。

今天我煮面粉果,这一次,除了炸江鱼仔和葱头外,其他的都是我一一包办。我用了江鱼仔煮汤头,味道真的很不错,清淡。这次是我第一次煮这面粉果,说真的,还蛮不错的。我喜欢,孩子也喜欢。就不知道张郎喜不喜欢。他会迟些回来 。
材料: 面粉和加了盐的白开水 (我没用油和蛋)



这是我的,我把三分之二给了大女儿吃。 料全归我。

Friday, 5 July 2013

Getaway again!

Yesterday evening, while chatting with Ms. J, we got a last minute plan to chill out in Setia Walk Puchong. I have never heard & been there before and i didn't dress up as usual for outing this time. I was running out of time to do so as I need to settle everything back home before I am able to escape from home. While looking out for the places, I have missed the turn to the place for THREE times before i reached there. We went to Chilla Cup that located at a very nice place, right opposite a pub with live band separated with a man-made river. It has a very nice ambiance with breezy air around. We decided to hang out more often there in the future.

 I ordered breakfast there. It tasted not too bad.
                                           Hot chocolate for drinks but it is way too sweet.

 This morning, I went to a new place near my place - Croissant and Cafe. It has a very nice feel when i stepped into this cafe - a corner for reading and jazz music. I felt so relax. I will surely go again for the books.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Fish Porridge

I was very busy for the past two days as FIL went for minor operation in KL. After operation he continue to stay with us till we go back to hometown again. So i need to take good care of him. I was quite headache with what to cook for him to eat because chicken and egg is out of the question. Luckily there are still plenty of fish left in the fridge, so for lunch, i made fish porridge and for dinner, i plan to cook mee hun soup with fish.

As i never cook fish porridge before (although i got some idea on how to cook), to be on the safe side, i consulted my second cooking master, Ms. Jing. She roughly told me on the steps to cook and ingredient needed which really helps a lot.

I am glad that kids love the porridge, i hope FIL also love the porridge too and speedy recovery too.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


星期日晚上,原本已经约好庄小姐和他的男朋友一起去唱k, 可是临时取消了,因为男朋友不舒服。我跟张郎已经准备好一切了,所以我们就改变计划去吃夜宵。带着 大女儿出门,可是她在车上睡了,所以 我们就打包回家吃。 炸鸡,薯条,肥死人的宵夜。

星期一,因为张郎有事要做, 所以我们迟一天回吉隆坡。我一整天都在做张郎的司机,因为张郎吃药,所以昏昏欲睡。但是我也是很累,很想睡,所以脾气不是很好。两个爱睡的人,就变成两个是脾气不好的人,因为没得在家睡。途中我们因意见不合,张郎说话很大声,说后便睡着了。我心想,如果我是他,我也是会发脾气,而且是更大的那种,因为已经要睡下去了,对方还在喋喋不休。所以并不打算生他的气。可是我的睡意让我很pek cek (时间是中午非常时段,午觉时段)所以我默默不做声,要给他一点颜色看看,不然不行。


p/s 我喜欢他用kancil载我去兜风。因为很小辆,我们可以坐得很近,就手贴着手。其中也是因为 我们俩都够大只,才会有这样的效果。不够大只的人,千万别羡慕哦, 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。