Tuesday, 31 December 2013



今天是2013年最后一天,2013年我过得很好很充实。去了很多的地方大开眼界。。感恩也很幸运。。。2013 应该会是我人生中出国最多次的一年了吧。。。当然希望能够持续这样。。。哈哈哈。。。



Thursday, 26 December 2013




星期一,忙完公事后,就带着孩子们去新加坡玩。其实之前没有这个计划。可是老大被困在那里要做加拿大的visa (马来西亚的Canada embassy 已经关闭了),所以我就去那会他们。我上网买了晚间动物园和动物园的票。因为之前我和老大和大嫂已经去过动物园,真的很棒。所以想带孩子们去。可是我们没有去动物园,因为天气不好。。下雨天。。。


星期三就忙准备15份圣诞礼物给小孩子,晚上就是大女儿的生日扒。她五岁了,好快啊。。。感恩有工人准备一切,过后也不需要烦恼打扫家里。。以前我一直反对在家里做扒迪,因为会很肮脏,全部人吃了就走人,谁去管你家肮脏吗? 谢谢家婆的安排和礼物,还有张妹,张舅,张姨的礼物。。当然还有我家人的礼物和红包。。





Wednesday, 18 December 2013



她买给我后,我一直放在橱里,没看到,就完全忘记。。。结果,她前几天托张郎拿了包紫菜给我。。。 太谢谢她的好意。。。






天啊,学校假期竟然已经过了一大半去了。。。我怎么觉得自己超忙的。。。没时间喘口气。。。每个周末都在忙,忙,忙,救命啊。。。。这个周末应该还好吧,没什么需要做的。。。上星期五,我们去马六甲A Famosa 租了两间豪宅住,因为星期六张郎和他的搭档们要去打高尔夫球。那豪宅很新,而且蛮干净的,可是游泳池是大人的,水很深。。我没带孩子去那些safari, a famosa玩,因为庄小姐叫我千万别去。。所以我们只是呆在豪宅和去吃个简单的早餐。

星期日,我哥终于从美国旅行回来。他抵达后就直接驾车回乡。所以我的礼拜天就和他们一起混过去了。 星期一,我驾车带妈妈去马六甲看医生,我很不满意那医生,觉得他很随便。我们都认为应该去找第二个医生的建议。所以会再带她到隆来看另一个医生。星期二我一整天呆在发廊换发型,效果很满意。。。呵呵。。。晚上就回隆了。


兴啊, 发啊。。。

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Time to wake up.....

No more dreams, i told myself, so i got no choice but to face the reality. Yesterday was quite difficult for me after all the memories coming back alive. I took a wrong turn while driving, wasn't really in proper shape. Today i am much better, baked butter cookies in the morning and made dinner at night. I fried pumpkin with salted egg for the first time, it is not as crispy as i thought but overall it tastes ok. Perhaps that's the only way for me to occupy myself without much dreaming allowed.

In order to keep in line with the latest games, i couldn't believe i am playing Clash of Clans now after seeing Mr. Teo burying himself with the game all day long. My game cell is very weak because i couldn't even attack an easy enemy. I am just too lousy for Mr. Teo. I must admit that, ain't a good game player...anyone would like to share their experience in this game? please do share with me because i hope to fight and win the battle.. by myself...without Mr. Teo's help


Today is an anniversary of a private and confidential moment of us. May we all live happily and healthy forever...cheers baby....

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


最近看到一个部落格,一位年轻女子一个人去日本修博士,感触很多。。。当年不知哪来的勇气和意志力,坚持要去英国修硕士。从修读课程,寻找学校,做申 请,学生证,费用,全部的一切都是自己包办。其实在决定这之前,我想去纽西兰做工旅游准证的那种,不过我没符合他们的要求。所以就决定去英国了。其实间中 发生了小插曲,就是我读的这间学校给我错的offer letter,因为我没完全符合他们的 MBA course requirement,他们需要至少三年的工作经验,而我只有一年。可是这间的ranking很高,是蛮出名的。当我收到offer letter时,我喜出望外。之前·我明知山有虎,偏向虎中行,我厚脸皮去申请,谁知阴差阳错竟然让他们email我错的offer letter。过后我打电话向他们询问时,他们说是他们的错。我又不死心,跟他们的负责人的上司说他们怎能犯这种错呢,bla bla bla。他们问了我的资历和要我呈上一份proposal,再由评委决定能不能接受我这个学生。最后通过了。我好开心好开心。就这样,我成了班上最年轻的学生,最年长的有五十多岁的学生。

从 第一天到最后一天都是我过人生中最快乐的。我几乎天天都和姐姐skype,都让他们知道我每天的活动,不想让他们担心我,即使是喝酒全部都统统报告到 完。我非常的幸运认识了4个同班同学,一个女的,三个男的。来自不同的国家,不同的背景。我学会了喝酒,而且是喝很多的那种。因为酒很普遍,也很便宜啊,喝酒很像喝水 一样。不过生了孩子后,酒量就完蛋了。容易醉。。。

在那我很拼,因为自认天智不是很好,再加上工作经验不足。我写的每份报告都让我朋友过目,因为我的英文是有限公司。至于finance accounting,我就skype请教我哥哥,他一个一个解释给我听。每天都是在上网找资料,和读书做笔记。我有几分报告是全班最高分的。可能是我认真的态度吧。。因为班上的其他人每天都party的。我就没那么有钱和有空。

圣诞节,本来我决定和同班同学要去Edinburgh参加当地出名的圣诞趴。不过天气不好下大雪,所以取消了。其实取消了也好,因为假期开学后有考试。每个人都有了节目,只有我没有。蛮可怜的。就在这时,一位来自台湾的朋友知道我没节目,她约我圣诞前夕去她的家做客。她。人真的很好很好,我太感动,太幸运有她这为朋友。她下厨做牛排给我吃。我不会煮,只好在旁观看。第一次犯规吃牛肉,很好吃。她做开胃菜,主食和点心。我好感动好感动她的诚意。那晚我第一次喝酒,我们两喝了三瓶红白酒。在她家过夜,第二天就回我家了。回家路途上,我一直在想我要怎样报答她。第二天圣诞节,她和她朋友去Iceland,我就自己过我的圣诞节了。去了boxing day shopping,也是她告诉我的。其他天都在家里读书上网做笔记。

接下来她介绍了其他三个男生给我认识。他们要一起开车玩,因为只有她一位女生,就问我要一起去吗。我当然求之不得啦。当时我和一位黑人女生蛮好的,我有什么好康都告诉她。可是这次我必须自私一次,因为五个人一辆车刚刚好,多一个就不行了。她知道后蛮伤心的,我抛下她自己去玩。对不起Bunmi,我一直觉得我很亏欠你。她是从Nigeria 来的黑人,希望她不要认为我们种族歧视。



写不下去了,好感伤啊。。。在看以前在英国写的部落格,除了在伤心还是伤心。。。不能再看了,会depressed的。。。现在我们各自有各自的家庭孩子,可是说真的虽然有了幸福家庭,但是区区一首歌就能轻易勾起我那要人命的回忆。。。抵挡不住的眼泪和悲伤是难免的。。。我知道时间不能回转,但是我还是希望我们能够快快见个面,聚一聚。。。也许见了面会很别扭,毕竟我们五六年没见面了啊。。。 我真的真的好想在英国的全部。。。带我回去可以吗?


上星期五傍晚六点半从家里出发回乡,跟往常一样我开车。在车上有听到电台报告交通状况,有一段路,大塞车,只有紧急车道可通路。我就问张郎是否要用旧路,他说他不会。没办法。。。在Senawang 到 Pedas Linggi,是塞到。。。应该是有五个小时,是由一起严重车祸造成的,一辆tanker, 一辆巴士,两辆车,和一辆摩托。那辆油车整辆打横在高速公路上,所以造成三条路剩一条可用。而且是最左边的紧急车道。还好小孩都有穿尿片,车上有面包让她们充饥,然后她们俩就睡了。我们大人就忍尿和挨饿。在那段路上,我们看食尚玩家之欧洲旅,时间还容易过。看到一半时,我从往后镜看到有人硬硬去开我们后面那辆车的车门。我第一个反应就是大喊,然后说“打枪”。接下来就是拉住我的车门,确定是上锁的。再来就是张郎往后看,原来是打架。就在我们车后,看得一清二楚。不过不知道什么原因,可能等太久,没耐心,吵架了。我当时的心跳得很快,我很怕他们会发疯,然后会打到我的车,因为是华人和印度人。我一直在念经,祈求快快通路,我要逃。过后,路通了一点,我马上驾到另一条跑道。吓死我了。。我们当晚两点才到家。

第二天,星期六我们又回隆看林俊杰的演唱会,我们三点半才出发。这演唱会说真的灯光和效果都非常的棒。歌唱方面,因为我不是很熟他的歌,所以一半以上的歌我没听过。 不过我比较喜欢他的演唱会因为我听得懂他在唱什么。看完后已经十一点半,我们又在驾车回乡。两点到后我们去吃晚餐。我再一次觉得自己老了,因为去看演唱会的多数是小妹妹。。唉。。。救命啊。。。

第三天我早上九点半就起床了。一直到了晚上七点累到不行,就睡得迷迷糊糊了。星期一,我的左边牙齿很痛。 我一直在想为什么会痛?因为我有定时去牙医洗牙,每天吃东西后都会刷牙的。本来想去看牙医,可是都没开因为是公共假期,只好忍。我在想可能我这几天一直吃黄莉。。所以决定第二天去看牙医。 到了晚上好了七十巴仙了。后来再努力想想,我想应该是不够睡,然后发热。。 第二天就好了。我第一次领教,从来没有的经历。幸亏没去看牙医,不然会被砍一刀。哈哈哈哈哈。。我跟张郎说,你可以不给我吃,但是不能不给我睡。。。哈哈哈哈哈。。。

Thursday, 5 December 2013


今天张郎早上六点多就出就去政府部门做工了,九点半回来。其实政府部门离家很近, 大概15到20分钟车程。以前他一出去就晚上才回来。有时有吃晚餐,有时没有。今天,他连午餐都在家里吃。我很欣慰,因为我的目的是希望他能尽量在家里吃。为人妻后,一切都以家庭,健康为主。我想每个女人嫁了后都会有这样的改变。我比较注重饮食,因为病从口入啊。。。张郎口味比较重,家婆煮菜有用味精。而我从小妈妈只用盐,所以比较清淡。在隆家,我没用味精,不过我会确定味道不会太淡,怕张郎吃不惯,以后不回来吃就惨了。而我从中慢慢调淡味道。还有就是张郎是肉食的,我吃菜,水果比较多。在这我多数煮鱼和菜,肉比较少,因为每次周末吃肉的机率很高,所以要均衡。

现在我都在写家庭有关的文章。不知道读者会不会看到腻? 我有个好朋友,杨小姐,她很不喜欢小孩,不喜欢的程度到每次要和她出去她会确定我没 得带孩子,跟她出去就尽量不能提到关于小孩的事,这样会令她很反感,抓狂。。如果她来看我部落格,不懂会不会block我。。。哈哈哈。。。


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Cooking and Baking

Today, I have prepared to cook curry chicken by using different paste. But Mr. Teo called and told me he has appointment tonight so not coming back for dinner. Luckily i was just finished preparing all the ingredients and haven't cook yet. However, he called me again at 7.30pm saying he is coming back for dinner because he needs to shower before going out. So i quickly take out all the ingredients from fridge and cook ALL BY MYSELF. It tastes very super nice.
LOOK!!!!!!!! i was actually eating it while blogging... Mr. Teo says it smells and tastes very nice, like indian curry style....

I use the Mak Nyonya curry chicken paste. Really nice.....am impressed.

Also i bake German Cookies but i believe i used the wrong base, shouldn't use the aluminium foil for it, but it tastes heaven....hehe

TA DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Start taking order now, who wanna buy cookies from me? fast fast fast!!!!!!!!!





在家里我就给她做练习,写字,听写(只是在隆才有这个活动)。她现在会写one to ten, kangaroo, mouse, nest, orange, lion, kite, ball, doll, jigsaw, father, mother, brother, grandfather, grandmother, sister. 之后要再给她新的生字。当然不是一整天都在写写做做,她们的娱乐是玩粘土,看卡通,玩lego 和彩色。我暂时不会给她任何的国语练习,因为她的国语ok,没什么问题,现在我注重她的英文,华语和数学。小一的程度很难了,尤其是华语,得加把劲。。



Thursday, 28 November 2013


救命啊!! 现在正在生病中。。。小女儿在一礼拜前咳嗽伤风发烧,给她退烧药和中药,一直到有起色时,大女儿被传染了。接下来,小女儿的病情从要康复转成越来越严重。大女儿的病情却没有起色。再来就连我也被传染了。在迫不得已下,带两个女儿看西医。其实中药的药性没那么强,也没那么伤肝(我不知道对还是不对),我只是不想让孩子吃抗生素。不过现在真的不能拖了,还好医生没给抗生素,小女儿应该要好了,大女儿就还看不出也,还是咳嗽。而我就越来越严重,完全没力,还加上泻肚子。天啊!!!


刚才在跟纪小姐谈天,谈到当初办婚礼的细节。从拍婚纱照,到结婚当天租的婚纱,邀请卡片,舞台布置,说真的一句,都比别人的贵 (跟我身旁的朋友和张郎的朋友比较)。我真的有为此事感到惭愧。不过接下来朋友婚礼的费用,让我觉得比较安慰。哈哈哈。。。

婚纱照是在 Mid Valley  的 wedding fair 签的配套。那时2008年。外景我想去海边拍,我和张郎都觉得热浪岛不错。所以当和时整个婚纱照用了八千多,包括聘请化妆师,摄影师,他们的机票和住宿,我和张郎的飞机票和住宿,整整花了多别人四千多,很夸张。。。当时没有这么多freelance photographer,也不流行。而我在一年后婚礼聘请的photographer 和videographer也是刚开始的潮流。我还请了一对乐团和中英文的司仪,这些都是那时在家乡很少有的。那司仪是从吉隆坡请下去的。忘了多少钱了。现在想回来,真的用了好多钱。不过一生一次的婚礼我不能随便啊。。。还好张郎也没阻止我,他给了我budget,然后由我绞尽脑子fully utilize 那些钱。不过超出预算很多。好在那婚纱照是一年前拍的,不然全部在一起,会很可怕,惊人。

当时还为了新娘车的事烦了很久。那时X6刚出,可是张郎说家乡没人有。就在婚礼的前一个礼拜看到一辆吉隆坡车牌的在家乡的银行前面。可是不知道是何方神圣驾的。最后就用了Porsche  Cayenne 和我的最爱黑色Harrier 做following car.


可能别人会认为我很任性,可是要我妥协其他的事我都可以,不过婚礼是我的也,而且如果我妥协,别人很开心我不开心,那结来干嘛?对这件事我必须自私。。。 我不管让啦,还好我的家人都不介意。哈哈啊哈哈哈哈。。。


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

My new job

Previously i have mentioned about a task that i was doing, and finally it has completed the initial stage - website development. Please go to this website and criticize as much as you can. Your effort will be much appreciated.


It is a website that allows Malaysian to apply jobs in Singapore without paying a cent. And i'm the person in charge of all. This would be my new job and mission now.

Please support me!!! Thank you!!!!!!!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Good news of the year!!

One of my best craziest friend GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013







Tuesday, 12 November 2013

My First Cup Cake Attempt

I always wanna make cup cakes for so long and already bought the ingredients much longer before i go for China trip. Seeing ingredients lying down in the cabinet, and today is a rainy day (which means it wouldn't be too stuffy if i use oven), so i decided to give a try.

I googled the recipe and did not really follow all the measurement, all by my sense.
Ingredients - flour, egg, butter/oil, salt, sugar, vanilla extract, almond extract (i didn't use this one because couldn't get it in bakery shop), baking powder, paper cups, cocoa powder, milk (optional)

It looked very nice but it is tasteless. However, my two daughters are my super fans, they love it to max, keep wanna eat more. Thank you darlings.....

Monday, 11 November 2013




这一趟8天7夜九寨沟,黄龙之旅,由吉隆坡飞往成都。第一天抵达已经是晚上了,所以直接入宿酒店Holiday Inn。 第二天乘坐巴士去峨眉山,转巴士上山(两个钟头),又在步行(两个钟头)爬上山看一座佛像。乘坐巴士下山后,在那过夜。第三天回成都,去看乐山大佛。


第三天依旧住在第一个晚上住的酒店,第四第五天住惊天动地的九寨沟。第四天,成都前往九寨沟,8小时车程。早上先去看熊猫,过后 直奔九寨沟。在这路程上,我们经过2009年512大地震灾区,还目睹地震遗留下的残骸,以前的山路,十年前爸妈上九寨沟和2007张郎带团去九寨沟使用的狭窄山路,如今已变的不堪,时看得到时看不到的山路就是在地震后便的不能再使用。政府只用两年建造另一条高速公路,就是我们用的这一条。以前的路很窄很恐怖,记得以前爸妈回来后形容那路是从巴士看下去就是山崖了,是那么的恐怖。现在让我亲眼看到,真的没有夸张。这地震有70,000人丧命,30,000失踪。成千上很多万的人失去家园。路途我们经过一间学校,导游说里面有600多个学生,只有200个逃命出来。听了真的很伤心。

就 在巴士折腾了8小时,晚上8点到了九寨沟直接入宿酒店。第五天游惊天动地,人间仙境的九寨沟(对我来说比较像人间冰箱)。晚上看当地的表演,天气真的是冷死人!一整天处于冰冻状态。
我的笑容是不是有点僵硬? (这是还没跌倒拍的,还有很多照片在张舅相机里)

第六天的 行程是要去黄龙。从九寨沟去需要两小时山路的车程。一路上已经开始在下雪,不过树上没积雪,过了不久路两旁都是雪景,无论是树或远远的山都盖上了雪,很壮观。原本正熟睡的张大女被我们的喧哗声吵醒。她很兴奋,因为第一次看雪,而且还是在下雪的。我呢因为之前听导游说路很弯,所以吃了晕车药,本来已经要睡下去,可是眼前的雪景还让人难眠啊。所以整个人蒙蒙懂懂的。再来,导游说可能上不到黄龙,因为下着雪,路很滑,车轮容易打滚,不过还没能决定,因为不知道前方的状况。其实要到黄龙很挑战的,两小时的弯弯的山路后,乘坐缆车,走路一小时平路,去第一个景点,后要往山下走,全程大约4小时。有很多老人家已经打退堂鼓了。因为是平路和下山的路,我估计还好,所以决定带张大女去 (看在她之前表现良好,上车睡觉,下车尿尿,吃睡拉,该走路时就自己走,不会吵要抱,全部好得很,还有就是非常感恩她没被冷到,没生病,只是在最后第二天有点小咳嗽)。

不过人算不如天算,在半路,巴士被塞在山路上,整排的巴士的大型罗里,司机估计前方有车祸。有很多人尿急,导游就叫在我们路旁的树了林旁解放,.就这样男左女右,由巴士挡着男和女。 女生就带着雨伞互相帮忙遮掩。不久张大女说她要尿尿,其实她有穿尿片,不过如果她是醒着的,她就不会尿在尿片里。我只好带着她到丛里尿,这时全部人都尿好上巴士,不过还是塞着的。当我帮张大女穿好裤后,我发现巴士前面的全已经陆续启动走了,这时,听到导游说,快点快点,我抱起估计有20公斤的张大女,大步走到路旁,交给站在约30 - 50cm 的距离上的张舅,而张舅就抱着张大女给在巴士上的张郎。 看着女儿平安上巴士,巴士后的大罗里,大巴士胡乱的horn, 我慌张的左脚站上那30 - 50cm, 右脚不知怎么勾了一下,整个人趴跌在地上。我用手去挡,可是路太滑,双手溜了出去,脸朝下,跟雪路摩擦到了。第一个感觉是很冰,不过我知道脸被刮花了。张舅把我抱起,然后一直说对不起对不起。他很自责,因为他是领队,说他没照顾好我。害我觉得非常不好意思。接下来就是敷药,张妹的消毒药水,和张舅的包肤灵。过后团友就来看看我的伤势。其中一个的言语和表情很夸张,我真的蛮担心的,因为还没看到自己的脸变得怎样。张舅一直瞪着她,深怕我会被吓到。哈哈哈。 过后我还是忍不住大笑了好久,因为两年前我带张大女去台湾也是跌倒。过后张妹好心借我镜子,看了,真的蛮糟糕的,血停止了,心很担心,因为来临的星期六我爸做70大寿,叫我怎么见人啊?张舅还跟张郎说叫我一个礼拜不能回娘家,不然我家人会找他们算账。哈哈哈笑死我。。。。。

这时中午两点多,因为一路上有很多巴士都U 转下山,估计是路太滑,不能上山。导游让是我们决定要上山还是不上。结果只有我,张郎,张妹和张大女要上山,少数服从多数,我们的巴士也U 转下山换去另一个景点。




p/s 回来之后,姐姐说我真的很会跌倒,因为上次 去曼谷我在四面佛那摔了一跤,我都忘了。真的是佩服佩服。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。。

Friday, 25 October 2013


接下来的两个星期,孩子逃课,张郎逃“工”,下星期二我,张郎,张妹,张爸,张女 (我女儿啦) 和张家亲戚,和一些陌生人将参与张舅的8天7夜九寨沟团。又再一次抛下张小布(为什么叫她张小布?因为小时候她时常噗,噗放“气”所以叫小布),旅行去。希望这次平安的去,平安的回。



昨天看一部戏 About Schmidt 是描述一个66岁老头的生活,他曾经是保险业的主席,有一番事业。退休后,对自己身边的事物比较在意,发现自己老了,嫌老婆老了,婆婆妈妈,再也不是以前的老婆了,唯一的女儿在很远的地方做工。然后老婆死了,他的生活变得邋遢,他决定自己驾车去旅行。他尝试阻止女儿结婚,因为对他未来女婿有偏见。可是阻止不了。戏的结局我没看到。不过看了这部戏,我在想,如果我能活到66岁,我的另一半会嫌我吗?如果只剩我一个,那我又是怎样的呢?那我又会不会干涩孩子的终身大事呢? 老是件可怕的事啊,好好孝顺我们家的两老,也许他们也还没适应他们现在的自己。


Friday, 18 October 2013

Long weekend

We had a long weekend spent in our hometown last week. Monday, I went to Singapore with sis to do some bank thing and books hunting for our kids. We took bus from BP to JB, JB to Woodlands. While we were queuing up for the bus to go back JB from SG, we met a mother of 4, waiting for the bus with her two daughters. After chatting, we got to know that she stays in JB and send all her 4 kids to  Singapore to study, monthly fee for four is 1k SG dollar (one of her son is under scholarship). I believe all her kids are very doing great in studies as they don't go for tuition, but do exercise at home.

After meeting this mum, and my encounter with a chinese doctor who also send his two sons to Singapore to study, i really have the urge to do the same thing. But looking at my eldest daughter behavior towards studying, it could be a bit difficult. She likes to go to school, she will do homework everyday without much supervision, but she couldn't really understand what is being taught especially in English. I did not want to push her as i know everyone has different pace in learning.

Realizing that i seldom write about my two princess, i would like to write a bit about them.
Eldest Daughter, born on end of 2008, overall she is a lovely daughter who doesn't really make a lot of fuss except when she is very tired. She can shower on her own now and she would request for your compliment every time after she shower.

Younger Daughter, born on second quarter of 2011, is 2 years 2 months old now. She has been attending school since she was 18 months old. She is mischievous sometimes, and likes to shout over small little things that she is not happy with. Apart from that, she too is quite obedient and a caring little fellow.

Thursday, 10 October 2013



今天我处于非常振奋的状态,因为我竟然自己做一个网站也,而且也只花几小时而已,是免费的啦。现在网站只剩还没输入地址(因为还没确定要用哪个地址)。等全部搞定后我就会大公开啦。希望 一切能够在这星期内落实,那我就要开工大吉了。


Monday, 7 October 2013

Beautiful week ahead

Last Saturday, i went to Singapore with Mr. Teo to meet one client. We set off at 7am in a rainy morning. Had simple breakfast at Parit Raja, not the "pao" shop but a coffee shop selling Malay food. Then we headed straight to the Lion City with slow moving traffic all along from the bridge.

After meeting up with client, it was already 12pm,then we went to Orchard and buy something before leaving. We took the second link to avoid the heavy traffic in Woodlands but it not as what we expected. Heavy jam.... We then went to JPO for some shopping, reached at 5.

While we were almost finished our shopping, Mr. Teo and I were arguing about who is going to drive back home. (I drove all the way to JB, he drove in JB - Singapore - JPO.) Then we were complaining how tired and sleepy we were, and then i started to show him my watery red eyes. He showed me  his too. We both end up standing in front of the mirror in Burberry, comparing whose is worse while waiting for the sales assistant to bring some stuff. Without notice we actually stood in front of the mirror for quite sometime, suddenly i realized someone(the sales assistant) was laughing at us. We all burst out into laughing. Looking at how childish we are, it is really fun to do something like that once in a while (actually we do it quite often).

After that, we decided that each of us take the half journey and i drove first. I ended up drove all the way home. I had a great day though, so i don't really mind driving and we gained a lot from this trip, especially our alone time. To me, alone time is very important, it doesn't mean that we have to do it very frequent, it is fine to do once or twice a year, because it really bring us closer.

As usual we came back KL on Sunday and we reached at 12am. Guess what? Mr. Teo was doing some planting after we reached

                                   See this crazy man!!by the way, he drove all the way to KL

                                              The most attractive moment of a man. Agree?

Monday, 30 September 2013



星期五,张郎又需要去医院,因为前一天医生给他戴了个监督血压的手表,以记录一整天的血压,所以需要去看报告血压到底是不是都一直很高。我又再去了医院一趟,因为担心张郎不会问问题。根据报告他是遗传性高血压,而这跟饮食或运动都扯不上关系;即使他天天运动,减肥成功,吃的清淡,他还是会有高血压。这个答案我很难接受。吃和运动都没办法改善吗? 不过人家是医生,不能接受也没办法要接受啊。

星期六,我一个人做MIA,Fast & Furious 的女主角,驾车从家乡去机场,载了张妹,又驾车回乡。全程140 km/hour 时速(高速公路),不良示范,禁止模仿。我很赶时间吗?其实还好,不过路上没什么车。久久一次。。当晚去了戏院看了新加坡的戏Judgement Day。还不错,哭得稀里哗啦的。我的哭点和笑点超低的。 重点是我很佩服我的“电池”很耐,从早上忙到晚上,没喝过咖啡或茶提神哦,强吧。。我有时真的搞不懂自己,一下精力充沛,一下无精打采;到底是为什么我也不知道也。


号外号外!!买了十二月去林俊杰的演唱会的入门票!还有送海报的呢。。去看了这么多演唱会,第一次买票送海报。不过也奇怪,第一时间买还买不到PS1的第一排,真的是费人所思。。 其实也不怎么熟他的歌,希望不会暗锤。

Friday, 20 September 2013

Mid Autumn Festival cum Annivesary Dinner

Wednesday, i bought a stove for the new house. Not planning to buy the oven, i still couldn't resist to take a look on the row of oven that make wonders. And i failed to stop myself from buying an Oven. After that, i went for grocery shopping and yup, everything is completed!! yeah!! i can start cooking again!!!

But i was regretted on buying the oven because Mr. Teo told me i can redeem one by using his credit card point! There goes my money! In order not to make myself feel even worse, i decided to make something by using the oven on this special day of mine.

Ta Dang!!! My trademark dish Honey Lemon Chicken. Story is i met 5 very close friends while pursuing my studies in Glasgow, we take care of each other by gathered at one's place for dinner very often. They are all very good in cooking. I got to taste superb Taiwan, India and western food. As i was feeling ashamed by not contributing any meal, i suddenly got an idea to make this honey lemon chicken. I was so naive by just using my logic to make this chicken. They even laughed at me as i didn't use salt. The best part is, it turned out SO good! The recipe is very simple: chicken, yellow lemon juice and honey, (butter optional). Maybe that's how magic works.
This was the one i made. We didn't manage to take a photo before the meal as it didn't really looks so good and we already have a backup plan to eat out if it didn't taste good.

It no longer taste the same no matter how many times i tried making. Perhaps it is because of the old saying : "your heart and mind are not the same anymore" Pathetic i know but life goes on....

Back to my "romantic" dinner. Anyway the chicken tasted ok but i will marinate before i put into oven next time. (i don't have time for that because time was running out)
After the chicken, i make the dessert too. I was wondering at first to make cheese cake or chocolate cake. I then go for chocolate cake because it has been ages i didn't make this already.
For me, it tasted HEAVEN!!! hahahahaha..... i used semi-sweet baking chocolate by Hershey's because i know no matter how i ruin the cake, it will still taste very nice. hahahahhaha!

BUT!!!!!! Bro and Mr. Teo are not satisfied with the food and request for Mee hun kueh. So after making these two, i made the dough again. Basically, i cooked non-stop from 6.30pm till 10.30 pm just to make them full. i could feel i'm getting old and my stamina was no longer the same as i could feel my sour back. OH NO!! sign of aging!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!  And guess what, their vote still goes to my mee hun kueh and the dough i made couldn't satisfied all of them. WHAT? HELLO! My main dishes of the day is chicken and the cake, NOT the mee hun kueh..

Anyway, everything is finished except the tasty cake. That goes my mid autumn festival without moon cake and lantern but a lot of cooking.

p/s everyone still miss my mee hun kueh and i'm going to make again today. What to do?? 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013





p/s 祝大家中秋节快乐。中秋节对我意义非凡:和张郎正式相识第一天和婚礼都在这一天。可是没有庆祝也,那死鬼张郎应该忘了这重要的节日吧。不过也没关系,只要大家在一起,我们不吵架,开心生活,和健康就好了。

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

I am back...

Been disappeared for the past one week because i forgot to bring my laptop along with me to KL. Good news!! we are officially moved into new place today. Everything is good, but no TV, no wifi and no cooking. Hopefully everything will be up by next week.

Having lots to say, but this time, more about the sentimental side of mine.... This year has been a great year to me, though no job, stay at home most of the time (try my best to sneak out sometimes), but i am thankful for the life i had. Sometimes i'll be discouraging by looking on friends doing what i dream to do, but i could not, blaming any other things for things i didn't get; lately, i have sort of have a change of mind set. Looking from the other side, i got more than what i want, love surrounds me all the time.

Sunday, a simple beautiful day, Mr. Teo brought me in motorbike, going around the house, and I couldn't stop smiling.... Yesterday, after having a long tiring day without much rest, we brought the kids ourselves, drag everyone to Sunway Pyramid to get ourselves something we need for the new house. Tired, exhausted, hoping to get little rest if possible, bone gonna break; but we had a wonderful family time. Looking at the smiles planted on everyone's face, i am grateful for what i had.

Thank god for everything i have.

Friday, 23 August 2013


8月15日 至8月17日,我们定了 两辆巴士带工人上云顶游玩。本来打算要去 槟城和金马伦的, 可是经费太贵,而且云顶有做促销,一晚住宿第一酒店RM48,所以就照以往的计划去云顶。

带着孩子们,其实压力蛮大的,因为要时时刻刻盯着他们,怕他们走溜或被 拐走。现在马来西亚的治安非常让人担心。所以,我已经很久没带他们去广场走走了。我还做了些傻事,就是我故意把孩子的头发剪的难看些,而且还是那种超短的。因为真的很害怕拐带事件,现在的拐带,是那种硬硬强行拉走的,真的很可怕。




其实在写这篇部落格的心情是很差的,因为两天前云顶发生了恐怖巴士坠山崖的事件,至今37人死亡,16人受伤,是最严重的一宗。当 我在脸书到这新闻时 (刚刚发生还不知道死伤),我默默的祈祷希望只是小意外,或者是旧闻,因为有时他们会讨论以前发事生的事。之后新闻陆续报道,脸书陆续更新境况,我的心跌 入谷底,真的很伤心。晚上八时,张妈打给我通知我,还说幸好我们刚玩回来没事。我心存感恩,非常庆幸的我们已经平安回来。

阿弥陀佛,希望往生者得到解脱 ,到快乐的天堂。希望他们的家人坚强的活下去。

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Bangkok Trip

Two weeks school holiday finally comes to end. I had great times and really enjoyed a lot. 9 August 2013 till 12 August 2013 is my second ladies trip with a different group of friends. 6 of us are secondary school friends. Although i transferred to another school after PMR, i still keep close touch with this group of friends. They are either married mums or single ladies whom are not as crazy as my primary school friends (ahem...u know who you guys are), but they are very knowledgeable in all aspects of life. I really learned a lot of things through this trip apart from having fun and laughing like mad woman. I must say i'm really lucky to have friends from different background.

Let's talk about the 4 days 3 nights Bangkok trip. We had a bad start for this trip. 4 of us book a taxi to Changi Airport. Our flight is at 0715 but the driver came a pick us up at 0000. He drove bloody fast and we reach at Terminal 1 at 0215. We found a cafe and settled ourselves in the best possible position to catch some sleep. But i couldn't sleep at all. Luckily after we reached Bangkok, everything ran smoothly.

As this is a ladies trip which means shopping, we decided to stay just 300m away from a famous market - Pratunam Market, and i highly recommend this hotel, The Hotel 93. It is located at the back street not the main street, so tut tut or taxi may not able to know where is it when u told them, so we all just prepared ourselves with the hotel's name card which got the map printed on it, so the driver could figure out the way.  It is a newly built 3 star hotel with very nice staff, quiet room (you need to stay at the highest floor which is 5th floor, and choose the one facing the back of the shop, not the one facing the market). The only drawback is the design of the toilet. The space between the basin and the toilet bowl is so small that you hardly could stand properly to brush teeth. So if you are pregnant, you might wanna stay at other hotel instead of this one. Overall i give 3.5 star out of 5 for this brand new hotel.

First day, we wanted to go to Asiatique, the newly riverfront market. Initially we took a cab but then the driver brought us to a gems store instead of Asiatique. After talking to the driver, we were told that they must bring the tourist to the gems shopping gallery for at least 15 minutes, while they will queue up for filling their government sponsored petrol, then only they will bring us to our destination. We took less than 5 minutes to finish the store partly because we didn't bring our husband there. hahahahahahaahha.... As the driver still queuing up for the petrol, he decided not to cheat on us and bring us to one BTS station (train station) without charging us. We then found out that we could easily reached Asiatique by train. We reached at the Asiatique train station at around 11 am. BUT it was not opened until 6pm. We quickly looked for other places to go such as Chocolate Ville but it would also opened around that time. I then spotted a sign that could safe all of us, Shangri-la Hotel. We were all very tired as we do not have sufficient sleep and we already walked quite a lot. Hoping to get some rest at the lobby, we all ended up walking towards the 5 star hotel.

We approached the hotel staff for any place to go before visiting Asiatique at 6pm. After all the information gathered, we decided to go for a good 2 hour massage and then high tea at Shangri-La Hotel. We had a very good experience in this 5 star hotel, they treated us like their VIP even though they knew we are not staying there. They explained to us again and again without showing any temper, they even called and book the massage for us. The massage was not too bad, but the high tea wasn't too impressive. Apparently, the staff told us to try the Mandarin Oriental high tea, they even told us that the Mandarin Oriental cafe in Siam Paragon mall is much cheaper than the one in the Hotel. But we need to do something just to pass our free time. Then we went to Asiatique by ferry. It is a brand new market with shops and classy stalls that you might wonder their price is higher than those sold in Pratunam or Chatuchak. But it was not always that case. At least we realized that the chinese oilment price was cheaper than Chinatown. Afterall, me and my sis did not get anything from there caused of my wrong perception. We then headed to Chinatown T&K seafood which is famous for their seafood and cheap price. This is a must go place and we went there for our dinner for two nights continuously.

On second day, we went to Chatuchak market which is located at the north side of our hotel. We went there by taxi and it took around 20 minutes to half an hour to reach there. It is a market as big as 5 foorball field. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we firstly stepped into this market, i knew we would spend a long time here. Things here are super cheap (the cheapest with good quality) and i think we only covered 10% of the market. We all bought a lot of things here and my back nearly broke. After begging them to go back to hotel at around 3pm, they finally agreed to leave the market. (Do not under estimate the power of shopping women!! i am not as crazy as them, i'm not fit physically!!) After leaving our things in hotel, we went to Chinatown for massage before having our dinner there, again. We did some shopping there and then headed to Skybar. There is a joke here that we did not really went up there as they have their dress code. Slippers are not allowed! We planned to go again the next day but we didn't go as we were too tired for that. Leaving no choice, we headed back to hotel and did some shopping in Pratunam market which is just a few steps away from our hotel. Too bad the market closed at 10 pm. But we still have chance to go again.

Third day, we went to Four Face Buddha and planned to go to the whole stretch of shopping malls. We met a police army while walking and looking for the malls, he told us a bad news, that the shopping malls will only open at 2pm because it was Queen's birthday. OH NO!!!!!!!!!! He asked us to go for a massage before going back to the malls again in the morning. Here we split into two groups, 3 going for massage early in the morning, and 3 going to Chatuchak market. After that all of us met at Siam Paragon Mall and went to their top high tea place, Mandarin Oriental. It was full when we reached and they do not take bookings or appointments. We almost gave up till we saw three pairs standing up and left the cafe. Again, thank god for that, if not, we would not have the chance to taste their classy pastries, macarons, puffs, and scones. Superb but expensive. This is my first time falling in love with high tea, my first time and will not be my last. We then did some shopping and that's where we met the Hong Kong Comedy Star - Wu Jun Ru. Without wanna make any unnecessary attention from public, we quickly took merely two photos with her and leave her and her daughter alone. We were all excited with this star and ahem, i'm the first who spotted and recognized her. Thanks to my parents for my bloody sharp eyes. Then we had simple dinner next to our hotel after had a BIG shopping in Big C hypermarket that we all brought a few boxes of instant noodle and seaweed back to the hotel. Just imagined, 6 lady, packing things into boxes, seal them up, putting them into trolley, moving from trolley to tut tut, then from tut tut to the hotel lobby. I think we are real tough women when it comes to shopping. Nothing beats woman! YEAH!!!!!

Fourth day, our last day, we did some shopping in Pratunam market and only we realized it is a very huge market (smaller than Chatuchak though) that consists of one main street, with many sub street on the left and right. We are running out of time to shop and i think most of us finished our cash money. We then had simple lunch nearby the hotel, and hair wash before heading back to hotel and wait for our dispatch van. Yes, we hired a VAN to carry our luggages and boxes. We went with 6 luggage and went back with 15 checked-in item. We were all very happy spending our money. I think i'll be black-listed by my friends' husband, because it seems everytime my name was mentioned. Yes, i am the masterplan of this trip. I planned the itinerary, I planned the route. Everything is good but the biggest mistake was i didn't check on their opening hours. 

That goes my Bangkok Tai-Tai trip - shopping, massage, high tea.... What a nice trip.... It went so well that my friend strike first price by putting her bets on our van's car plate number. Thank god again... Amitabha........

Thursday, 1 August 2013


从布丹回来后,就忙着很多事,节目也很多。明天晚上要会周董,后天晚上姐姐家有聚会。好忙哦。。再来就是马来新年,学校放假两个星期。而这两个星期我也不能闲着,因为要和姐姐和我朋友去曼谷4天3夜。觉得还没充电就要出发,有点累。不过很期待,因为第一次跟这班朋友旅行,加上我姐。好久没 跟我姐姐单独旅行了,这一次,姐姐在我的哀求终于肯放下孩子姐夫离家出走。我姐夫应该很恨我吧,哈哈哈哈。。。

自从大家有了小孩,每次出门都带着孩子。我平时还会自己一个人或和出张郎出来透透气,姐姐她就不象我这样没良心,抛下子女享受去。就连我要成全他们两去度蜜月都难。 是他们太看不开,还是我太放得下?

由于明天想上发廊,今天就自个儿出来享受早餐啦。左边有一桌父母和一对子女吃着早餐。他们聊得很像朋友一样。好羡慕哦。。他们的孩子不用读书吗?今天是周日也。。不过看他们一家说说笑笑 ,(虽然我听不懂他们说什么),真的很羡慕。 我希望以后孩子大了 ,我们还能像朋友一样分享所有的事。

再来就是右边有一桌年轻夫妇带着小孩出来享受天伦之乐。好温馨哦。。。人啊,都败给了时间。结婚后,就忙着自己的家庭小孩的,忽略了父母和家人。有一句福建话的言语说 “疼下去滑溜溜,疼上来打死结”意思就是说,我们疼小孩,很无怨无悔的付出,但是如果是疼父母,就斤斤计较,推卸责任。


Monday, 29 July 2013

I am back in one piece from Bhutan

Taking off on 21 July 2013, 0700 Flight Singapore to Bhutan via Calcutta by Drukair.
Coming back on 27 July 2013, 0715 Flight Bhutan to Singapore via Calcutta by Drukair.

Ladies and gentleman, i am back from Bhutan safe and sound. The trip was fun, exciting, adventurous and unforgettable. This is the first time in my life doing so much climbing, walking, hiking and trekking and the road trip was on bumpy and bending road, not a very comfortable ride though. BUT the view was stunning, incredible beautiful. So it all worth the effort.

 This is a country covered with mountains. this was taken while on the way from Paro (airport) to Thimpu (capital of Bhutan)

5 star hotel for first two nights. Incredible deluxe room for honeymoon couple. hahahahahah ..nice view...

Bhutanese costume - Second night, we were asked to dress in their costume and they welcomed us with their local dance and ceromony. Western dinner served.

Typical Bhutanese meal. They have animals but they don't kill animals. Meat are mostly imported from neighbor country, India and Nepal.

Third day in Punaka (last time it was their capital, but then change it to Thimpu later on). It is located at 3 hours mountain road drive from Thimpu. This is their government office. It looked like palace to me.

This was taken when we were going to cross the suspension bridge.

 The most challenging hike - Tiger Nest. We ride the horse halfway and have to walked 702 steps to reach the monastery. Very challenging. This is my horse.

                  Half way before reach the Tiger Nest. It  took us a lot of effort to complete the hike.

                                 We are few steps away from this 300 years old monastery.

                                                 108  stupas (tomb) with buddha's ashes.

                                                           The giant buddha. Amitabha

                                     Fly by Drukair. Could not access with any other airline.

Friday, 19 July 2013


 明天中午,我会和张郎,张妹,和张舅会去不丹旅行一个礼拜。这个决定,是上礼拜才做的, 也很幸运的还有机位。上星期,张妹有向我提到 不丹之旅,可是她没得去。我也没把这件事放在心上,更没向张郎提到。

上星期五,正当我在忙着撮面团时,张朗在打来问我要去不丹吗? 原来是张舅约他的。我当下很开心,简直是难以置信,因为今年我们出国多次了,是最多次的一年。上半年就去了香港,之前我和朋友去Langkawi。现在要去不丹,再来八月我会去曼谷,而张朗有company trip 去香港。再来就是十月尾去中国。我从来都没想过张朗会要去不丹。真的没有想过。所以我连提都不想提,因为机会只有万分只一。毕竟今年真的花很多钱在旅行。



最后,大家一个礼拜不要想我 。一礼拜后见。

P/s 这是我上星期五写的,今天才贴上。现在还在不丹,还有两晚就回国了

Saturday, 13 July 2013


As the mee hun kueh that i cooked previously had overwhelming responses, i decided to do it again yesterday to serve my family. This week we came back one day earlier than usual as Mr. Teo having dinner to attend on Thursday night. So i am having one more day in hometown.

Initially i planned to cook in my parents house, but then after several discussion, we decided to do it at my sis's place. When i reached, two dough for mee instead of mee hun kueh are already made by the maid, i then make the dough for mee hun kueh. (the difference of mee and mee hun kueh is mee hun kueh's dough is only using flour and water with salt, whereas mee's dough will have addition of oil and egg).

I cooked the mee and mee hun kueh served for one person one by one instead of one big pot for everyone. I am glad that everyone enjoyed eating it. Mr. Teo never get tired of it, but i already felt boring by making and cooking it. So i didn't really eat a lot this time.

Good thing is my temper really improved a lot. I suppose it is because of the cooking that i involve. Less quarrel, less shouting, less sadness, i hope my life will be in that way or better in the future.

p/s there is something good going on next week (hopefully it will really come true) finger cross*

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


前几天,我家工人用了刚买的Asam Pedas酱料煮辣鱼。我试喝了那汤,觉得还不错,就决定再买几包酱料,煮给张郎吃。就昨天煮了辣鱼和炒青菜,张郎把全部都吃得精光,还加饭呢。可惜我忘了拍照。

今天我煮面粉果,这一次,除了炸江鱼仔和葱头外,其他的都是我一一包办。我用了江鱼仔煮汤头,味道真的很不错,清淡。这次是我第一次煮这面粉果,说真的,还蛮不错的。我喜欢,孩子也喜欢。就不知道张郎喜不喜欢。他会迟些回来 。
材料: 面粉和加了盐的白开水 (我没用油和蛋)



这是我的,我把三分之二给了大女儿吃。 料全归我。

Friday, 5 July 2013

Getaway again!

Yesterday evening, while chatting with Ms. J, we got a last minute plan to chill out in Setia Walk Puchong. I have never heard & been there before and i didn't dress up as usual for outing this time. I was running out of time to do so as I need to settle everything back home before I am able to escape from home. While looking out for the places, I have missed the turn to the place for THREE times before i reached there. We went to Chilla Cup that located at a very nice place, right opposite a pub with live band separated with a man-made river. It has a very nice ambiance with breezy air around. We decided to hang out more often there in the future.

 I ordered breakfast there. It tasted not too bad.
                                           Hot chocolate for drinks but it is way too sweet.

 This morning, I went to a new place near my place - Croissant and Cafe. It has a very nice feel when i stepped into this cafe - a corner for reading and jazz music. I felt so relax. I will surely go again for the books.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Fish Porridge

I was very busy for the past two days as FIL went for minor operation in KL. After operation he continue to stay with us till we go back to hometown again. So i need to take good care of him. I was quite headache with what to cook for him to eat because chicken and egg is out of the question. Luckily there are still plenty of fish left in the fridge, so for lunch, i made fish porridge and for dinner, i plan to cook mee hun soup with fish.

As i never cook fish porridge before (although i got some idea on how to cook), to be on the safe side, i consulted my second cooking master, Ms. Jing. She roughly told me on the steps to cook and ingredient needed which really helps a lot.

I am glad that kids love the porridge, i hope FIL also love the porridge too and speedy recovery too.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


星期日晚上,原本已经约好庄小姐和他的男朋友一起去唱k, 可是临时取消了,因为男朋友不舒服。我跟张郎已经准备好一切了,所以我们就改变计划去吃夜宵。带着 大女儿出门,可是她在车上睡了,所以 我们就打包回家吃。 炸鸡,薯条,肥死人的宵夜。

星期一,因为张郎有事要做, 所以我们迟一天回吉隆坡。我一整天都在做张郎的司机,因为张郎吃药,所以昏昏欲睡。但是我也是很累,很想睡,所以脾气不是很好。两个爱睡的人,就变成两个是脾气不好的人,因为没得在家睡。途中我们因意见不合,张郎说话很大声,说后便睡着了。我心想,如果我是他,我也是会发脾气,而且是更大的那种,因为已经要睡下去了,对方还在喋喋不休。所以并不打算生他的气。可是我的睡意让我很pek cek (时间是中午非常时段,午觉时段)所以我默默不做声,要给他一点颜色看看,不然不行。


p/s 我喜欢他用kancil载我去兜风。因为很小辆,我们可以坐得很近,就手贴着手。其中也是因为 我们俩都够大只,才会有这样的效果。不够大只的人,千万别羡慕哦, 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Anniversary dinner

As i am not feeling so well, and Mr. Teo is not feeling well too, we decided to have a simple home cooked dinner at home on this special day for us.

I fried some chicken (by using corn flour), two piece of fish with soy sauce with some fried garlic and mix vege with prawn and taufu. When Mr. Teo see the dishes served, he asked whether we are celebrating anyone's birthday? yes indeed. We had some cake after that. He bought three pieces of Secret Recipe cake and i already bought two pieces from the same place yesterday night already. I planned to give Mr. Teo a surprise by waking him up at 0000 but i was too tired and sleepy and i missed the time.

We are all very full now, but deep down i feel very happy.


五年前的今天,我跟张郎去签结婚证书。当下的心情很复杂,很犹豫,很担心,想很多很多以后的事。当时是张郎先签那证书的,他想都不想,就镇定果断了签了名。喂!结婚也!你都不再考虑考虑吗?不过 看着他那么的坚定签名(要娶我),我就没办法,想逃都逃不掉了。哈哈哈哈。 当晚,我家有二十桌宴席请女方的亲戚朋友,就当作通知大家我终于嫁出去了,因为华人传统婚礼和酒席会在一年多后举行。


对我来说婚姻证书只是 一张纸而已。并不是说你有了这张纸,就一定会长久,它不能带给你任何的承诺,就只是证明法律受承认的合法夫妻。要如何让你的婚姻美满,那就要靠两个人的磨合,协调,容忍,信任来维持的。我希望 我们会永远开心的在一起。

p/s 原来我有两位头号粉丝。哈哈哈哈哈。。。

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

I am the real chef for once....

Yesterday i cooked the main dish of the dinner for Mr. Teo because he came back home without informing me earlier. The whole situation was me and the kids were staying in the living room upstairs, and maid was cleaning the kitchen downstairs. All out of of sudden he walked up from stairs and i quickly jumped up from the couch then rush to the kitchen. I kept blaming him for not informing me in advanced like what he used to do. Maybe he want to give me a surprise? nah.....i just think too much....

As the ingredients were not all well prepared yet, i told the maid to do the cutting and washing while i do the cooking. Luckily the maid was clever enough to take the marinated chicken out from the fridge before i asked her to do so. So here it goes, i cooked the coca cola chicken with potato. I took about 20 minutes to cook this dish. Jill gave me this idea and i found it really easy.

Ta Dang.......here it is......coca cola chicken. seriously, this is the first time  i cooked and tasted it. I have heard of it but never try before. It turned out  not a bad one. Mr. Teo couldn't tell it is the magic of COKE. He thought i used some can sauce and he didn't say it tasted super nice. I will try Guinness Stout next time.

And so, this is the dinner served yesterday, Coke chicken, broccoli with fish ball,  and pumpkin soup with rice.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


昨天是我的生日,其实我并不是很开心,觉得老了,孩子长大了,一切太快了, 有点措手不及。生日当天凌晨十二点,我正开车回吉隆坡路上。 张郎睡着,迷糊中被手机吵醒了,原来是reminder。 对我说了生日快了后,继续睡。

早上他很迟去上班,应该是十二点左右 ,他没说,不过我知道他想陪我久一点。傍晚六点回到家,我们就 前往ikea出发。原本上星期五要去的,不过他做工回到家已经晚上了,所以来不及去。我向他建议先吃晚餐,再去ikea。这样比较健康,可以走走做运动。

在张郎出门做工前,他交代我要我想晚上的晚餐。不管什么节日,都是由我来决定吃什么和节目之类的。这一次我选了日本餐,因为我两个女儿都无饭不欢。那些西餐不用想,因为我的 孩子可能会破坏气氛,而间接也会让我从美丽妈妈变成疯婆子一个,所以还是不要冒险。我不想我疯婆的形象被别人偷拍放上网,然后就背着坏妈妈的称号行走江湖,哈哈哈。

我选了Damansara Perdana 的 Mikan Japanese Cuisine。 我们抵达时,里面只有一桌客人。我就说,不知道好不好吃。。惨了,做了错的决定。张郎说距离晚餐时间还早,就去试一试。

这是其中一道,cod fish,很好吃。我们多数点了虾类的。我觉得很不错。我会再来。不过张朗说还好而已,还真挑啊,还是我太随便?哈哈。。


小插曲 - 昨晚睡到早上,张朗去了厕所,我也朦胧醒了,因为尿急。 我就在门外站着等,眼睛张不是很开。张朗出来看到我,把我抱了一下,就那一下下,然后上床睡觉。我还来不及反应,不过很自然的也把他抱了一下。然后心里暖暖的,觉得好幸福哦。我们结婚六年了。间中吵吵闹闹都有,严重的,轻微的都有。我对婚姻不是很乐观,但打从心里希望能够天长地久。我希望我们能够携手走天涯,一起面对种种波折,一起解决难题。那些正面临婚姻难题的的 朋友,建议你看再见单人床,是一部连续剧。非常不错。 希望能够帮你挽救你的婚姻。